Nava Kanthi society focus is on the community development of rural areas by providing them with resources to generate income to support their family.

Society is also working towards health care of the community by conducting regular medical checkups , community cleaning programs are taken up to clean up the garbage and to prevent water stagnation.

In times of natural calamity floods society provides relief and rehabilitation to the local people by providing them with provision items, medicines, medical checkups for contagious diseases etc.

Covid Relief

Many labourers/construction workers are walking towards their native places with families. As the public transportation was stopped due to lock down, they are walking hundreds of miles with out money, food, drinking water, etc. The government is trying its best to help them and has asked a few NGO’s to share the work. Please be a part by supporting this work. Your donations large or small, will help supporting those affected by the COVID. About 200000 needy families and migrated workers were blessed till 26th May 2020.
Your donations can be sent to :
A/c. No: 914010026504132;

Groceries (Rice, Dal, Wheat flour, oil, potatoes, onions), Drinking Water, Cooked food distributed to needy families in Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh states.
Food is being prepared and will be distributed to needy families as per the directions of local government administration.

To know more.......

Water Projects - Community Bore Wells

Water is a basic necessity for survival. In our country most of the small towns and rural areas suffer for access to safe water. Villages have open wells, lakes and bore wells that people access for water but most of them dry-up during summer. Many of the water sources are also polluted by chemicals, pesticides, open defecation, etc. By using polluted water people are getting sick frequently. Looking at the need, Nava Kanthi is providing community deep bore wells for the benefit of people in remote villages of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar with the help of local administration and generous donors in 95 places since May 2020.

Income Generation Programs

Towards helping the people to be able to generate income to support their families. Through this program society is providing petty shops, vending carts and gotary.

Medical Camps

Medical camps are conducted by the society on regular bases to check the health and growth of the children at the child development center and also free medical camps are conducted for the adults.

Free medical camps are conducted with the help of committed doctors and community leaders for helping people with medical needs.

Medical Camp

Relief And Rehablitation

Provision Distribution

Nava Kanthi stood with the people time after time during floods and calamities with distribution of food, clothing, blankets, repair of houses, construction of temporary shelter homes and other needy things